Waking in the night to feed my baby boy is now a very normal part if my life. At first it was awful! But now I cope! The joy of a smartphone is that while I'm feeding I can catch up on Facebook, look at photos on Instagram, read the Bible, and even write a blog! ;)
Usually I will feed, be on my phone a bit to stay awake, but not do anything where I have to use my brain too much at 4am. However, last night I had a sudden intrigue to look at a map of the United States of America. My reasoning was threefold: I have recently watched the friends episode where Ross can't name all 50 states, my own geography is pretty shocking, and we have just had friends move out to California and I wanted to see where they were.
So, having fed my boy and he had fallen back to sleep, I had caught up on Facebook and Instagram and what I should have done was to go straight back to sleep but I thought I would just have a quick glance at a map of the ol' U S of A (on the maps on my phone!). Big mistake! I now could NOT get back to sleep. I was trying to plan a holiday in my head where we would drive around America. Whether it would be when my boy was one or two, or if we should wait til he's older, and what if I was pregnant again and would we go at Easter or in the summer, where would we stay, we couldn't spend too much time driving with children... You can imagine how my mind was racing!
Anyway, after being awake for well over an hour I feel I have now learnt my lesson. Don't look at a map of America in the middle of the night!
We have a plan to travel the us of a in an open top car ......no kids so will be in a few years! X